
Main Index Blog Black-Owned Rock Labels Mid-Atlantic Metal Vlog

Last Month: March

I’m back with a vengeance, tingles

in my bloodlines that

won’t rest till we set it right.

Couch-surfer's gone...

and their cocaine habit.

Lesson learned on that account.

All of us have needs.

Many are in need.

But you can't ask for help

if aid is harder than it is easy.

So it is in this situation,

where I apply dokkodo.

Detachment is how we

understand connection.

APRIL 15: February and Reality

APRIL 18: Panic! Krampus Demon at the Disco

APRIL 18: Panic! Krampus Demon at the Disco II

APRIL 22: Vengeance

APRIL 29: Graffiti Grrl